Offer 374392

KALFASS KC 5040 from 2018

Wrapping Machines / L Sealer

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 374392
Model: KC 5040
Manufacturer KALFASS
Condition: Good
Year: 2018
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Availability: 03-2025
Machine number:
Description: KALLFASS KC 5040/450 UNIVERSAL<>Technical data:<>Welding frame dimensions: 500 x 400 mm<>Max. film roll outer diameter: 300 mm<>Film roll width: max. 550 mm<>Working height: 870 - 970 mm<>Tunnel passage width: 450 mm<>Passage height: 100 - 400 mm<>Length of heated tunnel hood: 900 mm<>Power connection: 400 V three-phase current, 50 Hz with protective conductor<>Rated power: 7.5 KVA<>Rated current at 400 V: 10.8A<>Easy-to-operate angle welding machine, combined with shrink tunnel.<>Particularly robust design for industrial use. Welding frame dimensions<>500 x 400 mm. Proven impulse welding technology with teflonized cut-off welding wire<>for absolutely odorless operation. Equipped with locking mechanism as<>automatic pressure mechanism for precise adherence to the set welding time and for

Technical details

Name property Description property
Max. product size 400x450 mm
Speed up to 25 cycles/min.
HS Code 84439959 HS Codes Classification of Other

PRICE: Upon request
