Offer 369116

KBA COMPACTA 618 (1197) from 2007

Heatset Commercial Presses

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 369116
Brand: KBA
Model: Compacta 618 (1197)
Manufacturer KBA
Condition: Good
Year: 2007
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Machine number:
Description: 1 KBA PASTOMAT RC reel change<>1 KBA PATRAS feeding system of the reel stands<>8 zonal racle system for inking KBA for printing units<>1 conditioning system for the dampening solution Technotrans mod. delta.d 300W with connection remote control<>1 gripping device for the paper Baldwin mod. WebCatcher S18, to prevent the paper from wrapping on the blanket cylinders<>1 CONTIWEB mod. 149-1460 with intergrated afterburning<>C-Control PLUS<>1 group of calanders of cooling KBA mod. KWS/CEII-1450-2A4S-3 with:<>-6 cooling calenders<>-3 separate cooling circuits with different temperature levels<>- measurable device of the web paper tension on the first calender<>- single drive with decentralized drive and control cabinet<>1 KBA cross fold output (DIN A3) after the 3rd bottom fold.<>1 predisposition for the installation of stitching signature in a second time<>1 KBA OPERA Electric drive, control and automation system:<>-DRIVETRONIC<>-ERGOTRONIC<>-COLORTRONIC<>1 Logotronic Basic<>1 Adjusting the color register GRAFIKONTROL mod. CR25<>1 Register adjustment system GRAFIKONTROL mod. CR8-TS<>1 Softening device Planatol mod. Softjet 204-216 HV<>1 Blanket ELETTRA mod. Fastwash

Technical details

Name property Description property
Cut-off 1197 mm
Max. web width 1450
Min. web width 840 mm
Mech. Speed Max. 45.000 rpm

PRICE: Upon request