Offer 372093

KOMORI LITHRONE LS 1040 P from 2006

10 Color

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 372093
Model: Lithrone LS 1040 P
Manufacturer KOMORI
Condition: Good
Year: 2006
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Counter: 125 mio.
Machine number:
Description: Mod. LS1040P+CCX<>Factory 12 inch raise kit with bandstand-height catwalks<>Double coater machine with coating units after #5 and #10 print units – Harris Bruno Anilox with<>IST UV curing – 9 total UV lamps<>dryer stub w/2 UV lamps, dryer stub w/hot air & IR, perfector, 5 printing units, dryer stub w/2 UV lamps, tower coater, delivery w/3 UV lamps, IR and hot air. Interdeck stations on units 1-5 with 2 lamps possible<>PDC-SII for closed-loop scanning – Density and spectral<>KHS – Komori HyperSpeed inking<>Cartridge inking system<>2 x Litho Coat coating pumps<>KOMORIMATIC dampening system<>Automatic blanket, roller and impression-cylinder washing device<>TECHNOTRANS cooling + circulation unit<>ITC Ink temperature control<>Non-stop feeder and delivery<>Antistatic complete<>Preloader<>Powder sprayer<>FAPC automatic plate change<>KMS Komori Management System<>PQC Print Quality Control

Technical details

Name property Description property
Max. paper size 720x1030 mm
Smallest size 360x520 mm
Speed (Max): 13,000 sph
Stock thickness Sheet Thickness (Maximum): .024” ( 0.6 mm)
Colors 10
HS Code 84431300

PRICE: Upon request
