Offer 376128

NILPETER MO 3300 from 1999

Label Flexo

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 376128
Model: MO 3300
Manufacturer NILPETER
Condition: Good
Year: 1999
Cylinders Condition:
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Machine number:
Description: 2 UV flexo or screen ,<>6 IR Offset , 1 UV flexo<>Roll to roll<>AMAL non-stop Infeed and unwind System<>Auto waste removal<>1 vacuum cleaner<>1 Vetaphone Corona treater<>Register control<>1 Rotary Die cutting unit<>1 Matrix rewind unit endless<>1 Web video<>1 Rewind unit<>Total Number of UV x 3 & 6 x IR dryers<>Approx. 36 Offset Print cassettes<>Approx. 5 Magnetic cylinders<>Approx. 16 Anilox rollers<>Approx. 3 Screen and Flexo cassettes<>Delam / relam<>Laminating<>Turn bar<>TECHNOTRANS alcohol dampening system<>Plate bender

Technical details

Name property Description property
Max.Print width 345 mm

PRICE: Upon request
