Offer 376885

ZIRKON RO 66 from 1981

Single Production

Offer Details

Name property Description property
Offer Number: 376885
Model: RO 66
Manufacturer ZIRKON
Condition: Good
Year: 1981
Cylinders Condition: damage_free
Under Power: Yes
Still in production: Yes
Test possible: Yes
Complete and in working condition: Yes
Availability: Upon agreement
Machine number:
Description: The machine is still in production, it prints text nicely, it is not suitable for printing images, photos,<>Colors: 1+1 or 2+2,<>Maximum roll width: 660 mm,<>Min. - 520 mm,<>Cut-off - 452 mm (fixed)<>Speed 15k/hour<>Faltz apparatus - folds to A5, A4 format<>Alcohol-free printing<>For printing 1+ 1 we use the second unit, the first unit can be started to print 2+2 but at the moment<>it is not 100% complete

Technical details

Name property Description property
Cut-off 452 mm
Max. web width 660 mm
Image area 620x452 mm
Stock range 40
Mech. Speed Max. 30 000 cycles/h.

PRICE: Upon request


Pictures available upon request.